Quotes and Poems

  • Quotes and Poems


    Example sheds a general ray of light that men are apt to borrow; so first improve yourself today, and then improve your friends tomorrow. -Valentine Vousden

  • Quotes and Poems

    No. 21

    Let us then be up and doing with a heart for any fate; still achieving, still pursuing, learn to labor and to wait. -H.W. Longfellow

  • Quotes and Poems

    No. 18

    Each morning sees some task begun, each evening sees it close something attempted, something done, has carried a night’s repose. -H.W. Longfellow

  • Quotes and Poems

    No. 17

    Count that day lost whose low descending sun views from thy hand no noble action done. -James Bobart

  • Quotes and Poems

    No. 16

    Small service is true service while it lasts, of friends, however humble scorn not one;  The daisy, by the shadow which it casts, protects the lingering dew-drop from the sun. -William Wordsworth

  • Quotes and Poems

    No. 15

    Heaven is not reached at a single bound, But we build the ladder by which we rise from the lowly earth to the vaulted skies.  And we mount to its summit round by round. -J.G. Holland

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