Pumpkin Shaped Cheeseball
Are you looking for a fun, delicious, Halloween themed treat for a Halloween party you are going to? Well look no further! This was a big hit the last time I took it to a party. I found this recipe…
No. 16
Small service is true service while it lasts, of friends, however humble scorn not one; The daisy, by the shadow which it casts, protects the lingering dew-drop from the sun. -William Wordsworth
No. 15
Heaven is not reached at a single bound, But we build the ladder by which we rise from the lowly earth to the vaulted skies. And we mount to its summit round by round. -J.G. Holland
Chicken Broth Pasta w/ Parmesan and Butter
Here is a really simple but delicious recipe. I found this recipe on Pinterest by the blog Sprinkles and Sprouts. Here is a link to her original post: Pasta with Chicken Broth, Butter and Parmesan This recipe takes 10 mins, it…
No. 14
“Do the thing that is next,” saith the proverb. And a nobler shall succeed; Tis the motive exalts the action; Tis the doing and not the deed. -Margaret J. Preston